Former Justice of the Peace (Ontario Court of Justice)
Solange Guberman, former Justice of the Peace with the Ontario Court of Justice, provided judiciary decisions for the citizens of Ontario for nearly six years. At present, Solange Guberman is committed to giving back to the community. Her first instinct was to support the Centre espoir Sophie.

Located in Ottawa, the Centre espoir Sophie furnishes a wide range of programs and services for women. The programs offered by the Centre are designed to give struggling women emotional and practical support and encompass such staple needs as shower facilities, outreach services, and meal programs. The Centre hopes that its services will help women temporarily leave the streets and receive rest and support in a safe environment that allows them to maintain their health and dignity.

The women that the Centre helps are confronted by challenges and exclusion. Women who suffer from violence, health difficulties, homelessness, poverty, and unemployment may turn to the Centre espoir Sophie to assist in their current struggles and future goals. The Centre teaches women about their own strengths and empowers them to continue beyond their difficulties. Through the continued support of the community and volunteers, the Centre espoir Sophie is able to assist and advocate for struggling women.

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